Sunday, May 4, 2008

WINNERS: The Standells - The Best Of The Standells

Amigos!!!! Nuestra encuesta ha terminado...ya tenemos un ganador.
The Standells se ha coronado como la mejor banda de garage.
Elegida por cientos de lectores de Dias de Garage, y elevada a la cima del podio por millones de seguidores alrededor del mundo.
The Standells es la banda que debemos escuchar para definir el genero garage rock porque reunen todos los elementos caracteristicos, organo farfisa, guitarra fuzz, impactantes lineas de bajo, platillos crujientes, y esa actitud amenazante que solo podemos esperar de una banda de los sesenta.
Saquemonos el sombrero y levantemos una copa de fino Chablis para brindar por ellos.

Si quieren saber todo, pero todo todo, de The Standells, no dejen de visitar la pagina de mi coequiper Pablo: Garage Music



The Bomber said...

Si Sr, me saco el sombrero por la banda, fueron de las primeras que gaste escuchando desde chico y es con la que me sigo castigando hasta el dia de hoy.

Buena elección.
Gracias por señalar el blogcito mio.

Yo siempre que tenia la posibilidad de votarlos lo hice. Asi que si, hice mi parte!

Saludos Maxi
¿no venis para Mendoza al final?

Hippy dj kit-dj fanis said...

Thanks for this and for the Castaways my friend.I like your last comment.Cheers!!!

Brandonio! said...

Yikes!!! Did i miss something or what? I go through the exact same thing at my blog.Alot of people seem to only comment when something doesn't go right with the download or the bitrate isn't high enough.I myself usually always leave a positive comment or some facts about a album that most people don't know.Unfortunatly most people in blogger land don't seem to relize what goes into posting a record and actually writing a review yourself, as opposed to just coping and pasting some professional reviewer like most blogs seem to do.[I don't respect those blogs by the way]I personally want people to speak about a song or where the music takes them.My point is to people who download from this site ,my site ,or any other good site, please take the time to listen to the music and really experience it.Then if you really dig it please fill free to let the person who share it with you know how much you like it. Sorry to go on a rant, carry on and of course ROCK ON!

The Bomber said...

Yeah Brandonio...good point... but ah ... i think every blog deserves respect (exceptions perhaps)
But, in my chase i dont have enough time to do some reviews about the albums,(work-study-sports) so that`s why i have to search some info and put it directly (example AllmusicGuide).
So i think there you can read some good info.
Hope you are doing fine man.
Greetings from Argentina.

Anonymous said...

nice new logo

Anonymous said...

I have the old Rhino lp and this has more tracks!


Anonymous said...

how the Standells didn't become more famous is beyond me. Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White is an absolute gem. Dirty Water will live forever ... oh well, such is the crazy world we live in, where talent and vision don't mean everything. (no, i didn't download this album, but have some other Standells already)

and as far as what service you use, or bit-rate - that is your choice. of course, we all have favorites, and preferences, but then it is you who put up the music, not us. i respect your decisions and appreciate your offerings. i download only a few of your selections, but read the reviews and all, with much interest. it is an education at times, to see what i missed while this music was new and i was much younger.

a great site and a thank-you from a passer by from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Gracias por cada post, cada disco es significativo para lograr entender el mundo garagero, no puedo mas que asombrarme por tanta dedicaccion de tu parte y de tus co-equipers. Aunque yo no vote a los Standells y si a los Chocolate´s celebro este triunfo como propio. No dejes (ni dejen), que ningun comentario o malentendido nuble este hermoso sitio, lleno de frescura y libertad. Salud Dias De Garage y espero con ansias una nueva votacion para seguir conociendo nuestros DIVERSOS gustos y OPINIONES.
Un pedido antes de despedirme, We The People. No esta disponible el link.


Maximiliano said...

Sorry Bloggers, I have deleted all the nasty comments.
Nobody is gonna fight in my place.
Just comments bout the music on here.

Thank to all of you.

Pepete, te voy a hablar en castellano porque me entendes seguro, nadie con el ingles nativo conjuga mal los verbos.
Segui visitando la pagina y espero ver tus comentarios sobre la musica. Los que mas me interesan a mi son los que critican el disco, porque para decir que es todo lindo, es lo mas facil.
Un saludo para vos y que estes bien.